New Jersey Driving Records



Driving records are official documents maintained by the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), which provide detailed information about a person’s driving history. In New Jersey, driving records are essential for drivers as they can affect their ability to obtain insurance, employment, and other legal purposes. This article will discuss New Jersey driving records, including what they are, where insurance companies get them, how to obtain them, and more.

What are New Jersey Driving Records?

A New Jersey driving record is a legal document that contains information about a person’s driving history, such as driver’s license status, traffic violations, accidents, and license points. These records are maintained by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC). A driving document contains detailed information about a person’s driving history, including their name, date of birth, address, driver’s license number, driving status, traffic violations, and license points.

Where do insurance companies get driving records?

Insurance companies can get driving records from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC). Insurance companies use driving records to determine an individual’s risk level and calculate insurance rates. A driver’s driving record can significantly impact their insurance premiums, especially if they have a history of accidents or traffic violations.

How much do driving records cost?

The cost of obtaining a driving record in New Jersey is $15. The fee can be paid online, by mail, or in person at an MVC agency. The MVC offers certified and non-certified copies of driving records. A certified copy can be used for legal purposes, while a non-certified copy is for personal use only.

How to check driving records for free?

While there is no free way to check a New Jersey driving record, individuals can obtain a three-year non-certified driving record for $15. The driving record can be received online, by mail, or in person at an MVC agency. Insurance companies and employers can obtain certified driving records from the MVC.

Car insurance for Bad Driving Records

Insurance companies in New Jersey use driving records to determine a person’s risk level and to calculate their insurance premiums. A person with a history of accidents or traffic violations may be considered a high-risk driver and have to pay higher insurance premiums. However, New Jersey state law requires that insurance companies offer a good driver discount for drivers with a clean driving record for the past three years.

Driving Records Search and Public Driving Records

In New Jersey, driving records are not public records. Only authorized individuals, such as drivers, insurance companies, and employers, can obtain a copy of a person’s driving record. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission offers certified and non-certified copies of driving records.

DMV Driving Records

The state’s Department of Motor Vehicles maintains driving records in New Jersey, also known as the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC). The MVC maintains a database of all licensed drivers and their driving history. The MVC also provides copies of driving records upon request.


How long do points stay on your driving record in New Jersey?

Points stay on your driving record in New Jersey for two years from the date of the offence. However, the actual violation remains on your record for extended periods.

How do I obtain a copy of my New Jersey driving record?

You can obtain a copy of your New Jersey driving record by submitting a written request to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC). You can also request a copy online through the MVC website.

How do insurance companies get access to my New Jersey driving record?

Insurance companies can request access to your New Jersey driving record through the state’s Electronic Insurance Verification System (EIVS). This system allows insurance companies to verify your driving record and determine your eligibility for coverage and rates.

Can I check my New Jersey driving record for free?

No, there is a fee of $15 to obtain a copy of your New Jersey driving record. However, you can view certain aspects of your driving record, such as points and license status, online through the MVC website.

What is the point system in New Jersey?

The point system in New Jersey assigns points to various traffic violations. The number of points assessed depends on the severity of the breach. If you accumulate six or more points within three years, you may be required to pay a surcharge and face other penalties, such as a license suspension.

Can I remove points from my New Jersey driving record?

You cannot remove points from your New Jersey driving record. However, you can earn a two-point reduction by completing an approved defensive driving course once every five years.